A Fresh New Look Plus a New Way to Contact Me
June 8, 2008
How much money would you spend on a makeover? I decided a while ago this site was due for a new look but didn’t want to pay the money for a site designer. What can I say, I’m cheap : )
New Site Design
After putting up with the old look long enough I ended up buying a theme and spending many hours customizing it myself. If I had it to do over again I probably would have just hired someone, next time I probably will. I keep coming back to the fact that it’s sometimes better to pay an expert and find a better way to spend the time you save.
I’m sure the site could still use some improvements so let me know if you notice anything. I’m on the search for a site logo so we’ll see how that turns out. I’d also like to spice up the color a little, the gray is a little drab, but one thing at a time.
Tips & Contacts on Twitter
I also signed up for a service that’s designed for short, informal communication. It’s called Twitter and can be a good way to publish quick updates that don’t warrant a full blown article. For example, today I published a tip that’s guaranteed to help to cut down on your junk email. Click here to see the tip on my Twitter page.
You can also contact me via Twitter if you sign up for a free account. Once you’re signed up you can click on the Follow button under my graphic to get all my latest updates.
Needless to say, I didn’t have much time for writing this weekend since I was working on the site most of the time. Oh well, it could have been worse, at least I didn’t have the misfortune of having my website hacked into like Get Rich Slowly and Five Cent Nickel (knock on wood).
New Site Design
Yesterday I pointed out some other money posts you could read up on, here are a few more:
– The Digerati Life reviews her Financial Progress Over The Last 10 Years.
– My Dollar Plan offers new graduates, 29 Money-Smart Tips. I should have covered some of these in my college graduate financial tips series.
– Generation X Finance takes a look at the Connection Between Your Brain and Credit Card Debt.
– Million Dollar Journey compares Fundamental and Regular Index Funds/ETF’s.
– The Suns Financial Diary is running into some bad timing in the stock market. I know exactly what he’s talking about, it seems like the markets always go down the day after my bi-monthly automatic investments kick in.
– Brip Blap ask, make money now versus make money later?
– Lazy Man is saving money by renting movies online.
Finally, thanks to No Debt Plan for hosting last week’s festival of frugality and including my post, Save Money on Gas By Learning How to Ride the Bus.

All posts by Ben Edwards