How Early Retirement Could Mean Higher Medical Bills

July 28, 2014

Many of us like the idea of early retirement. We have visions of relaxing on a beach somewhere, enjoying our money. However, this might not be the case when you retire early. In fact, early retirement could actually result in higher medical bills. According to a recent study reported on CNN Money, retiring at age […]

How to Figure Out the Right Career for You

July 21, 2014

Many of us don’t want a career that is “just” a job. Instead, many of us like the idea of fitting a career into a lifestyle. If you are tired of taking whatever job comes your way, here is what you can do to change things up and figure out which career is best for […]

Negotiating Pay: Don’t Forget the Soft Benefits!

July 14, 2014

One of the most stressful aspects of the job search is the salary negotiation. However, it is often a necessary part of the job search. Trying to come to an equitable agreement with a company is important. On the one hand, you don’t want a company to decide you’re too expensive and decide not to […]

Elevator Pitch: Make Better Career Connections

July 7, 2014

One of the essentials when it comes to finding a new job or advancing your career is the connections you make. Networking is an important part of career advancement, no matter what stage you are at. In fact, even when you are self-employed, it’s important to learn how to effectively network and connect with others. […]