How to Fill the Hours After a Layoff – Constructively

April 28, 2014

After the shock of a job loss wears off, you must put your free time to effective use. Just as every dollar of assets is precious, so is every hour of your free time. Using each wisely is a key to your future survival. To stay in control of your situation – to the degree […]

Thrift – Your Best Friend After a Layoff

April 21, 2014

A layoff attacks you emotionally, mentally, spiritually, and, most significantly, economically. Suddenly there is the demand of living as you have been but doing it on a lot less money. There could be some severance pay, and you’ve no doubt applied for unemployment compensation, but neither will keep your lifestyle going forever. Thrift is your […]

How to Make the Most of Underemployment

April 14, 2014

In many cases, underemployment means doing work you don’t enjoy for less than you’re worth. Sometimes, being underemployed means only working part-time hours, even though you want to work full-time. Underemployment can be a drag on your morale, and it is especially difficult, since you can’t usually collect unemployment benefits when you’re underemployed, so you […]

Seven Steps to Investing in Yourself

April 10, 2014

Many of us spend the majority of our lives investing in other people’s projects and dreams.  We work long and hard each day to achieve the goals of our employers. We pay 15–45% of our income in taxes to pay for the plans and efforts of our country, state, and county. We invest our money in […]

How to Stay Motivated While Looking for Jobs

April 7, 2014

It’s not fun being unemployed or underemployed. In fact, there are a number of studies that indicate that being unemployed can be bad for health, and long-term unemployment and underemployment can be more damaging to your overall mental health and wellness than many other negative life events. One of the issues is that it can […]