Personal Finance Week in Review – No Air Conditioning Edition

May 6, 2007

How much does a new air conditioning unit cost? We just made the unpleasant discovery this morning that our central air isn’t working so I’m assuming the worst, thousands of dollars to get it fixed. I’ll have someone come look at it first thing on Monday; hopefully the wallet damage won’t be too bad. I guess that’s what emergency funds are for. Here are some personal finance articles of note for the week.

Lazy Man is steadily increasing his alternative income stream.

Blueprint for Financial Prosperity features a guest writer who has their personal finance house in order and asks what’s the next money step? I left a comment suggesting he look into starting his own business.

Money, Matter, & More talks about couples that do, or don’t share financial knowledge. I handle all of our finances, I really should sit down with my wife and give her a primer.

The enterprising Mighty Bargain Hunter is making money by selling magazines on eBay.

Sun announces that he’s reached the half million mark. Here’s the comment I left on his post. Congrats Sun! From nothing to half a million in 10 years, what a great example of the opportunities available in this country. Of course it takes determination, smart decisions, and hard work but it’s nice to know the sky’s the limit.

Get Rich Slowly published a Collection of Financial Literacy Resources. This is a great collection of personal finance information from JD and a few other personal finance sites that is a good primer for anyone wanting to learn more about money.

Advanced Personal Finance points out another way the credit bureaus are using consumer’s personal information to make money off us.

KMull looks at the pros and cons of Bank of America’s Keep the Change program and the ONE Card from American Express.

Have a great Sunday!


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Ben Edwards, the founder of Money Smart Life, saved up enough to buy a Nintendo back when he was 12 years old. When he used the money to buy shares of Wal-Mart stock instead, he knew he wasn't like the other kids... His addiction to personal finance has paid off for his family and now he's helping you to afford the life that you want. Check him out on the web at Google Plus, Twitter and Facebook.

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4 Responses to Personal Finance Week in Review – No Air Conditioning Edition

  • KMull

    @Ben: the annual fee is the real killer for the One Card. Overall, not a terrible idea. We can all do better with the Blue Cash or other rewards cards.

  • Ben

    KMull, I had wondered about the ONE Card program, but I agree with you; I’m sticking with my American Express Blue Cash rewards card.

  • KMull

    Thanks for the highlight! I hope my post helps someone…


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