Man vs Debt – Who Will Win?

January 16, 2010

Man vs Debt is a site that I enjoy, partly because the author, Adam Baker, is doing something that I was too scared to do. I’ll explain. After graduating from college, my wife and I discussed moving to Australia for a year or two for one last “adventure”ร‚ย before settling into our jobs. The plan was we’d work during the weeks, as a computer programmer and a teacher our job skills were pretty universal, and see the country on the weekends.

I can’t remember our reasons for deciding against travelling to Australia but instead of adventuring we started our careers here in the U.S. I do remember that there were hurdles and unknowns and although it was an exciting idea, it was also kind of scary. Whenever you’re thinking of trying something new in life, you can always find a “good reason”ร‚ย not to do it. It may be perfectly legitimate reason but often times is also an excuse you can use to talk your way out of an uncomfortable situation. So what does this have to do with Adam and Man vs Debt?

The Man vs Debt Saga

Adam and his wife were in a bit of a hole financially, over $80,000 in consumer debt, when they decided to sell most of their posessions and move to Australia. You can read more about how they’ve embraced frugality to pay off their debt and decided to chase their travel dreams on the Man vs Debt about page.

I admire Baker and his family for looking past all the reasons not to pack up and move their life around the world. They even have a little kid, and as a parent of two I know how challenging it can be to raise a kid in a U.S. suburb, left alone in a foreign country with no friends or family close by. Hats off to the Baker family!

You can check out some recent pictures and videos from their adventures here. To keep up with their mission to beat debt and follow their travel journeys you can subscribe to their posts and track them on Twitter.

Man vs Debt Recent Articles

Here are som other posts from personal finance bloggers – most are all about new year’s resolutions and how to improve your finances for 2010.


Personal Finance

Thanks to Own the Dollar for including our post in the Money Hacks carnival.


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Ben Edwards, the founder of Money Smart Life, saved up enough to buy a Nintendo back when he was 12 years old. When he used the money to buy shares of Wal-Mart stock instead, he knew he wasn't like the other kids... His addiction to personal finance has paid off for his family and now he's helping you to afford the life that you want. Check him out on the web at Google Plus, Twitter and Facebook.

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3 Responses to Man vs Debt – Who Will Win?

  • J. Money

    OH yeah, Mr. Baker is a pimp ๐Ÿ™‚

  • Baker

    Thanks, buddy!

    At times, we aren’t sure who is going to *win* this little battle. ๐Ÿ™‚

    We’ve slowed down our attack against our debt in order to travel (as you pointed out), however, we haven’t lost the war! *crosses fingers*

    Here’s to us both tackling our financial (and other) goals in 2010!


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