Christmas Cards, Small Investments with Great Rewards. Five People You Can’t Forget!
December 19, 2006
There are some people that touch your life in a major way. The Holidays are a great time to show them your appreciation for how they make your life better. Sending them a Christmas card or even a holiday treat not only says thanks but could even get you some special treatment next year :). As you’ll see below, a kind gesture is a simple investment that could pay off big time. They may not all apply to you but make sure you send something to those that do:
What is most important to you in this world? Let your babysitter know how much you value the care they give to the ones you love the most. A simple card can help get your child the most attention in the nursery!
Is your kid going to grow up to be President? That partly depends on what knowledge and influence Mr. or Ms. Teacher pass on to them. Teachers work hard to mold your kid’s minds all year long, let them know you are grateful for all they do. The extra attention it could earn them may help put them on a path to greatness!
How can we enjoy life if we’re not healthy? Your doctor provides one of the most valuable services of all, keeping your body up and running. Letting them know you appreciate their time and expertise will inspire them to keep up the good work. Maybe a special gift now could even help you move to the front of the 2 week waiting list for an appointment next year!
Financial Planner / Accountant
Money feeds the engine of life. These financial professions help you go faster and farther on your journey. Just because they’re number crunchers doesn’t mean they’re robots! Accountants have feelings too you know J Let them know how thankful you are for their financial assistance with a card or plate of brownies. Who knows, maybe they’ll go the extra mile to research an additional deduction or two next year or spend extra time finding the best mix for your investment portfolio.
Thanks to the ones that made it all possible, without them you wouldn’t be here! As a new parent, I’m learning the time and sacrifice required of a mom and dad. I’m sure it only gets harder so make sure to thank them for making your life what it was today!
Anyone else? Who did I miss?
All posts by Ben Edwards